Nourishing Bonds: The Hidden Strength Behind Every Success Story

Sanket Pai
5 min readJun 5, 2024

As Vikrant laced up his running shoes and stepped out into the cold morning air, a surge of determination coursed through his veins. That weekend wasn’t just about running a half marathon through the mountains; it was about pushing his limits, overcoming obstacles, and reaching new heights.

The road to that moment had been anything but easy. He encountered numerous obstacles that constantly pushed him to his limits. Whether it was fighting off sickness or balancing the demands of being a parent, there were instances where he doubted his ability to reach his objective.

There were days when the familiar tracks on which Vikrant trained were blanketed in snow, making things even more difficult. Apart from harsh weather conditions, Vikrant also encountered mental hurdles along the way. Doubt crept into his mind as he compared himself to other runners, wondering if he had the stamina to keep up with them.

One day, as he was feeling particularly low after a discouraging practice run, his wife sat him down and reminded him of his remarkable progress. She also assured him of her support, regardless of the outcome. Her belief in him reignited his determination, infusing him with renewed motivation. Additionally, their friends offered assistance with childcare, while colleagues helped balance his workload, allowing him to prioritize crucial training sessions.

With just 3 days to the marathon, the organizers were forced to change the race route due to severe weather conditions. Vikrant panicked even more because now he had to embark on a course he had never explored before. He felt like giving up. Even then, his family and friends rallied around him, offering words of encouragement and cheering him on every step of the way.

On race day, Vikrant carried the immense support of his loved ones with him. Despite the harsh weather conditions and a navigational challenge that required him to improvise his route, their unwavering belief in him never faltered. Exhausted yet determined, he pushed forward and crossed the finish line, surpassing his goal by nearly five minutes.

Vikrant’s journey isn’t about running a race or setting goals. It is about cherishing the support of the people who believe in you. Success isn’t a solitary endeavor; it’s often made possible by the unseen support of others. Whether it’s a mentor who guided, a teacher who ignited inspiration, a friend who celebrated, a colleague who recognized potential, a life partner who stood by, or a peer who offered encouragement, no one achieves success alone. These contributions, whether in personal or professional spheres, are invaluable on life’s journey.

Find Someone Who Believes In You

Contrary to the popular notion that self-belief is the cornerstone of success, I am advocating for the significance of having someone in our corner who deeply believes in us. While self-confidence is undoubtedly valuable, it can sometimes waver in the face of adversity or self-doubt. Having a supportive figure who genuinely believes in our abilities can serve as a vital source of strength and encouragement during challenging times.

Consider a scene from the movie ‘83’, which depicts the 1983 Cricket World Cup. The Indian Cricket team, reeling from a series of failures, finds themselves dejected in a bus while West Indian supporters celebrate outside. Amidst this despair, a young boy appears with his father, waving the tricolor flag in unwavering support of the team. While movies are usually dramatized, the essence of my argument remains clear: this boy serves as a beacon of encouragement, offering steadfast belief in the team’s potential even when they themselves struggle to see it.

Like this movie, imagine yourself in a similar situation, facing overwhelming challenges and low self-worth. In tough times, if you’re thinking negatively, it’s harder to come up with good solutions. You may make bad decisions and feel even more stressed. However, having someone who believes in you can be the antidote to this downward spiral.

This supportive individual serves as a confidant with whom you can share your dreams and aspirations. Their firm belief in your abilities can inspire you to overcome limitations, pursue goals with renewed determination, and achieve beyond what you thought possible. Their perspective also often provides valuable insights to navigate obstacles with resilience and determination.

Rather than solely relying on self-belief during challenging times, seek out someone who believes in you.

Always Celebrate Your Family

In his book, ‘How Will You Measure Your Life?’ author Clayton Christensen shares a profound perspective on the often-overlooked importance of prioritizing relationships with family amidst the pursuit of success. He highlights a common tendency: as we strive for professional achievements, we inadvertently sideline investing in our familial bonds. Even though our family wants to support our ambitions, they often can get easily neglected in the long run.

This inclination arises because tangible accomplishments in our professional goals offer immediate validation and measurable evidence that we are moving forward. Therefore, whenever we have an extra half hour of time or an extra ounce of energy, we tend to unconsciously allocate it to such activities. In contrast, investing time and energy in our relationship with our spouse and children typically doesn’t offer that same immediate sense of achievement. We tend to overlook the significance of these relationships, assuming they will persist regardless of our neglect.

Assuming that our family will always be available for us, and thus continuing to ignore them till the time it is too late is irreparable. Christensen’s insight reminds us always to appreciate and enjoy our families, no matter what else we want to achieve. Caught in the pursuit of external validation and tangible markers of success, we may inadvertently sideline this invaluable support offered by our family members.

Celebrating our family doesn’t necessarily mean grand gestures or extravagant displays of affection. It’s about cherishing the moments spent together, whether it’s sharing a meal, engaging in meaningful conversations, or simply being present for one another during both the highs and lows of life.

Personally, I came to realize the significance of nurturing family relationships when I transitioned from a corporate career to becoming a life coach. I realized the importance of setting boundaries and non-negotiables to ensure that my professional pursuits didn’t overshadow my familial relationships. This balancing act isn’t always easy, and I’ve had to consciously remind myself of the significance of cherishing my family amidst the relentless pursuit of success. By nurturing these relationships, I’ve found a constant source of strong support, resilience, and inspiration that has made my life better in many ways.

Prioritizing our relationships with family doesn’t detract from our professional goals; rather, it enhances them. A strong support system provided by loved ones can bolster our resilience, inspire us to push through challenges, and ultimately contribute to our overall success and well-being. As we navigate the complexities of life, let us remember to celebrate the most precious gift of all: our family.

Many believe that success means tackling life’s challenges alone to come out on top. But Vikrant’s story shows us that’s not entirely true. Success comes not only from our own efforts but also from the support of people who believe in us. When we build strong relationships and stick together with our loved ones, we can handle life’s ups and downs better, reach our goals, and find fulfillment in our quest for deliberate living.



Sanket Pai

Reinvent Yourself — Leap Ahead & Human Potential Coach | NLP | EFT || Author | TEDx Speaker | Dad | Design Thinker. Posts may contain affiliate links to Amazon.